Friday, October 30, 2009


Electricity a basic need of our Life. I think all agrees with me, but most of the places in our country suffering with its lack. Those places where we have electricity facility too suffers with electricity cuts, even though they fill there bills on time but here this problem is because of low production of electricity or because of the faults in Transformers, Cable, etc.
Sometimes only these reasons are genuine but most of the times these are the excuses given by persons working in Electricity Board.
But what are the actual reasons behind it
Some which i have figure out is
1. stealing of Electricity
2. misuses at Home / wastage
3. Low Production
4. too many faults

1. stealing of Electricity

There are so many places in every City where people use electricity without paying any bills, Electricity Board People got fear in entering these places due to there aggressiveness.

2. misuses at Home / wastage

People use heavy appliance without having proper load and new meter installed. There are so many people who still use Bulbs instead of CFL's. They dont contribute in saving electricity, they left fan and light opened when they moves from the room they show no intrests in it.

3. Low Production

there are so many plans in government files to execute for the production, but again the dirty politics comes in between they are only interested in getting vote from public, no actions sees through open eyes after the Election.
The recent activity done in favour of electricity production is the "Nuclear Deal"
but what to say about it.

4. too many faults

Use of faulty products makes the whole system faulty. even faults enter in the mind of those people who works there. most of the cities have time schedule for electricity cuts but the cits goes beyond these limits.

Who is responsible for this?
This question goes little more bigger
how many people are responsible for this 1? 2? 3? more? Or we all are responsible

then count it , May be one name is of yours or any other person to whom you are familiar, Point his/her fault in front of them.
May you create a good example for some other people
Think over it
Precious comments are invited

I hope we soon get off from this basic problem